Яшьләрнең инновацион иҗат үзәкләрен булдыру һәм үстерү буенча заявкаларны сайлап алу комиссиясе 2017 елның 8 сентябрендә булачак

2017 елның 4 сентябре, дүшәмбе

To the attention of the applicants for participation in the selection of applications for provision of subsides from the subjects of small and medium sized entrepreneurs of the Republic of Tatarstan, associated with the establishment and development of youth centres of innovative creativity, focused at creating favourable conditions for children, young people and small and medium-sized businesses for their development in science, technology, innovation and industrial areas through the creation of logistic, economic, information base!

The Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan informs that on September 8, 2017 at 15.00 the meeting of Committee for selection of applications for provision of subsides for financial coverage of costs of small and medium sized entrepreneurship of the Republic of Tatarstan, associated with creation and development of youth centres of innovative creativity, focused at creating favourable conditions for children, young people and small and medium-sized businesses for their development in science, technology, innovation and industrial areas through the creation of logistic, economic, information base will be held, which will consider the applications, presented for competitive selection, will be held. In total 5 applications were submitted, of which 3 were admitted to the competition.

The information on the applicants, admitted for the competitive selection, is provided in the subsection "Infrastructure" of the section of the "Entrepreneurship Support" section: "Announcements".

The venue of the meeting - Kazan, Moscovskaya str., bld. 55, The Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan, Room 429.

Applicants admitted to the contest.

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